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"I addressed the importance of dialogue between scientific disciplines, organizations, cultures, and ideologies to find solutions for the complex problems of our world."
I am Mohammad Almezaien, I am from Egypt and I am the 2019 MSR Scholar. I completed my Bachelor studies in Pharmacy in Egypt. With the MSR scholarship I was able to complete the second year of my Master’s research programme in Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience from Maastricht University.

The year I obtained the MSR scholarship was a year of personal and professional growth. During that year, I did a research internship at the Centre for Human Drug Research; a fast-growing clinical research organization in Leiden. During the internship, I worked on a clinical trial that conducted a multitude of studies aimed at evaluating the effects of a novel pharmaceutical compound. The compound was aimed at treating vascular dementia. The experience pushed my boundaries as I crossed disciplines and learned new skills. I was also acquainted with the Dutch working environment, and extended my formal and informal networks.
Apart from my academic and professional achievements, 2019/2020 had more special events. I was able to bring together my Egyptian family and the Venezuelan and Dutch family of my partner. Despite the obvious differences, it was beautiful to see that an accepting and respectful environment creates a space for dialogue, and similarities become more salient in our minds than differences.
And finally, it was a pleasure joining LFR in some of the events they organized. I was asked to give a speech at the 11th MENA trade dinner, in which I addressed the importance of dialogue between scientific disciplines, organizations, cultures, and ideologies to find solutions for the complex problems of our world. I am grateful for all the opportunities that were given to me by the foundation. Needless to say, it was an honor to meet the Rabbani family and all members of the foundation.