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"sharing thoughts and ideas towards what is happening in the world today is in my belief one of the main factors that brings nations together towards more peaceful and understanding world for all, while leaving no one behind."
I believe that the courses had a huge impact on my academic progress. I believe that the topics discussed in the period of the three weeks, opened my eyes to different aspect of international law and filled my mind with many questions to further research. The lectures, seminars and the discussions carried with the professors and my colleagues indeed helped me clarify many areas of international law and made me more open to new ideas and topics to research and discuss. I also believe that the courses to a great extend helped me with my master’s degree assessments, gave me ideas for my essays and most importantly helped me with my thesis.
I have also made connections with lawyers, judges, embassies’ diplomats, legal officers and workers of international organizations that I believe will indeed help me with my future academic and career goals.
My experience at the Hague extended outside the course’s classroom as it gave me the great chance of connecting with lawyers, judges and law students from around the world of almost 90 different nationalities. I was given the chance to make professional and social relations with my colleagues and professors from around the globe. It is now almost two months after the programme ended, but the dialogue between me and my newly made social connections is continuing.

I believe humanity comes first. My sense of responsibility towards the people, especially those who went through sufferings and war atrocities. All what I do is for the sake of making the world we live in a bit more humane and just for people around the world. My country, Palestine and the ongoing suffering of my people that had no justice until the moment is also a main factor for pushing me forward to achieve more in my academic and career goals. Finally, people who believed in me were also a main factor for keeping me going regardless of all the pressures I go through. Supporting people includes family, friends, professors and most importantly, donors that believed in me and supported my goals along the way, which without them all of what I’ve achieved wouldn’t be possible. This includes the generous support offered to me by the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation.