In recognition and honour of Mr. Pieter Vreede (1926 – 2008) who dedicated his working life as a judge and lawyer specializing in international law, an annual scholarship is available for law students interested in participating in short term training courses in international law. Mr. Vreede and his wife were staunch supporters of the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation and their support has made it possible to award this annual scholarship.
“Despite the critical times we face as Palestinians, particularly in light of recent events, the lessons from the academy, made possible by your support, have deepened my knowledge of international law and reignited my passion. Exposure to diverse professionals has strengthened my commitment to using all legal means to support human rights and uphold international law.”
– Tamara Al Tebi, 2024 Vreede Scholar

Alumni Highlight!
The Vreede Scholarship is a vital initiative that empowers scholars to continue their studies and important work within the legal field.
‘The Summer School was an exceptional experience. It broadened my knowledge and provided me with invaluable insights into the complexities of international legal systems. I am immensely proud to represent Palestine and to have received this prestigious scholarship from an organization like the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation, which is renowned for its commitment to fostering education and Euro-Arab dialogue.’
– Daad Shawria, Vreede scholar 2024