Historically, geographically and economically, the Arab World and Europe are natural partners. In November 2014, the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation organised a conference titled “The Arab future and the role of Europe” wherein Euro-Arab relations concerning political developments, economics and society were discussed.
A main conclusion of the 2014 Euro-Arab Dialogue Forum is that fostering entrepreneurship between Europe and the Arab World is one of the most effective ways to address the economic challenges in both parts of the world and create employment opportunities for the large number of talented and often unemployed youth; leading to greater social stability as well as growth. This conclusion also resonates strongly in today’s context with the current refugee crisis between both regions.
Today, we are reminded yet again how both regions remain inextricably linked to one another. A long term solution requires an economic and educational component with a special focus on entrepreneurship.
For over 35 years, the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation has been a bridge between Europe and the Arab world, underlining the importance of a strong, interactive and mutually beneficial relationship between both parts of the world. In line with its tradition of promoting exchange and dialogue, the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation is organising a public event titled: Entrepreneurship: A Euro-Arab Solution?
During this event , stakeholders from the Arab World and from Europe representing the private, public and education sectors will discuss how the sectors can connect, collaborate and learn from each other taking into account the conclusions and recommendations following a two day workshop. These will be discussed and debated during the open session with the audience.
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